Reno, NV | 2016 Top #CRE Markets to Watch: Multifamily

SVNIC’s 2016 Market Outlook Reports assess the current state of the national commercial real estate market, and identify micro-trends within specific geographic regions and industries for 2016. Today we are delving into the 2016 Top Multifamily Markets to Watch. Not the largest or the most actively contested markets, the 2016 Multifamily Markets to Watch are each at an important juncture that presents unique opportunities for investment. Together, they reflect the diversity of trends that is driving the economy and commercial real estate performance in markets across the country.

Top Multifamily Market to Watch: Reno, NV

Reno - top multifamily markets to watchReno is experiencing sustained gains in employment with a 4.4% annualized rate after being severely impacted by the past recession; unemployment has improved dramatically and now sits at a still relatively high 6.2% as of January ‘16, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Population has grown robustly with a 4.9% increase from 2010 to 2014, according to the Census Bureau. As is common with tourist market economies, the percentage of city housing used for rental purposes is high at 53% meaning that job growth will quickly mean growth for the multifamily sector. The city’s economy is rapidly diversifying with the biggest gains coming from Construction, Professional and Business Services, Financial Activities, and Education and Health Services with annualized growth rates of 9.6%, 9.5%, 5.2%, and 5.0%, respectively.

Stay Updated…

Over the next few weeks, the SVN Blog will be featuring posts that will focus on each of the top markets to watch for industrial, multifamily, office, and retail properties. SVN Advisors from selected top markets have provided their industry expertise regarding what to look out for in their specific market in the coming months. Don’t miss out on these important insights – subscribe to the SVN Blog on the right side of the blog homepage.

To read more on other top multifamily markets, download the full version of the 2016 Multifamily Market Outlook report here.

2016 Multifamily Market Outlook

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Las Vegas, NV | 2016 Top #CRE Markets to Watch: Retail

SVNIC’s 2016 Market Outlook Reports assess the current state of the national commercial real estate market, and identify micro-trends within specific geographic regions and industries for 2016. Today we are delving into the 2016 Top Retail Markets to Watch. Not the largest or the most actively contested markets, the 2016 Retail Markets to Watch are each at an important juncture that presents unique opportunities for investment. Together, they reflect the diversity of trends that is driving the economy and commercial real estate performance in markets across the country.

Top Retail Market to Watch: Las Vegas, NV

Las Vegas - top retail market to watchAs tourism growth has once again led Las Vegas to new heights in overall employment, the unemployment rate is still falling as it sits at 6.5% as of January ‘16 while jobs are being added at a 2.5% annualized rate, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Construction is the fastest growing employment sector at an 11.0% annualized rate followed by Education and Health Services at 8.1%. Las Vegas took a pause in population growth due to the recession but the pace is likely to grow in 2016 and beyond; still, the city grew by 5.0% from 2010 to 2014, according to the Census Bureau. Growth in tourism will spur the need for tourist-focused retail in popular locations like The Strip; however, overall growth will also increase demand for retail to service the local population. Over time, Las Vegas is likely to diversify from tourism and become a more balanced economy.

Stay Updated…

Over the next few weeks, the SVN Blog will be featuring posts that will focus on each of the top markets to watch for industrial, multifamily, office, and retail properties. SVN Advisors from selected top markets have provided their industry expertise regarding what to look out for in their specific market in the coming months. Don’t miss out on these important insights – subscribe to the SVN Blog on the right side of the blog homepage.

To read more on other top retail markets, download the full version of the 2016 Retail Market Outlook report here.

2016 Retail Market Outlook

[bctt tweet=”Las Vegas, NV is one of 2016’s top retail #CRE markets to watch.” username=”svnic”]

Las Vegas, NV | 2014 Top CRE Markets to Watch : Apartment

Sperry Van Ness International Corporation’s (SVNIC) 2014 Top Markets to Watch Reports assess the current state of the national commercial real estate market, and identify micro-trends within specific geographic regions and industries for 2014. Today we are delving into the 2014 Top Apartment Markets to Watch. Not the largest, or the most actively contested markets, the 2014 Apartment Markets to Watch are each at an important juncture that presents unique opportunities for investment. Together, they reflect the diversity of trends that is driving the economy and commercial real estate performance in markets across the country.


las-vegas-411190_1280Apartment developers are playing a game of chance in Las Vegas. Encouraged by the first increase in average rents since the Great Recession and a recent improvement in the vacancy rate, projects in the pipeline could deliver as many as 3,000 multifamily units in 2014, a tenfold increase from the previous year. Granted, the local population will increase by 2.7 percent this year alone, making it one of the fastest growing U.S. cities. Yet this market must dig itself out of a deeper housing hole than most, and still has a ways to go. The apartment vacancy rate of 9 percent is more than 10 basis points above the historical average. Average rents have only recovered to 80 percent of the pre-recession peak, and thousands of single-family homes remain on the rental market. The nascent recovery merits some development but is unlikely to float all boats in 2014.

To read more on Las Vegas, and other top multifamily markets, download the full version of the Top Apartment Markets to Watch report below.

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Download the Top Trends and Markets to Watch Reports

Chandan-Apartment-CoverApartment Trends and Markets to Watch
Office Trends and Markets to Watch
Industrial Trends and Markets to Watch
Retail Trends and Markets to Watch
Commercial Real Estate Trends and Markets to Watch