Minneapolis, MN | 2016 Top #CRE Markets to Watch: Office

SVNIC’s 2016 Market Outlook Reports assess the current state of the national commercial real estate market, and identify micro-trends within specific geographic regions and industries for 2016. Today we are delving into the 2016 Top Office Markets to Watch. Not the largest or the most actively contested markets, the 2016 Office Markets to Watch are each at an important juncture that presents unique opportunities for investment. Together, they reflect the diversity of trends that is driving the economy and commercial real estate performance in markets across the country.

Top Office Market to Watch: Minneapolis, MN

Minneapolis - Top Office Market to WatchMinneapolis remains one of the strongest and most stable economies in the nation with 3.9% unemployment in January ‘16, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The metro area has steadily gained total employment while only experiencing a modest decline during the past recession. The key office-using sectors are fairly stable with modest growth as Financial Activities and Professional and Business Services gain jobs at 1.6% and 0.9% annualized rates, respectively, while Information remains mostly flat at –0.3%. Given that Minneapolis is repeatedly cited as a good place to do business, its office market is likely to maintain stability and grow in 2016 and beyond. Further, Minneapolis is experiencing a long-term trend of re-urbanization, meaning that the CBD is likely to perform well for the extended horizon.

Stay Updated…

Over the next few weeks, the SVN Blog will be featuring posts that will focus on each of the top markets to watch for industrial, multifamily, office, and retail properties. SVN Advisors from selected top markets have provided their industry expertise regarding what to look out for in their specific market in the coming months. Don’t miss out on these important insights – subscribe to the SVN Blog on the right side of the blog homepage.

To read more on other top office markets, download the full version of the 2016 Office Market Outlook report here.

2016 Office Market Outlook

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SVN Specialty Awards: Firm of the Year – SVN | Northco

Recognizing the SVN Difference with Specialty Awards

Firm of the Year 2015 NorthcoIf you read my recent blog post about the SVN Annual Conference highlights, you know that the SVN Specialty Awards recognize members of the SVN community who have distinguished themselves in 2015 by making significant impacts on the commercial real estate industry and beyond. The awards – which included Team Player of the Year, Ambassador of the Year, Collaborator of the Year, Trainer of the Year, Humanitarian of the Year, Prospector of the Year, Innovator of the Year, and Firm of the Year – looked beyond production results and instead focused on culture. The winners of this year’s SVN Specialty Awards each embody traits that the SVN culture values immensely: practicing collaboration, cooperation and conscious capitalism while excelling in commercial real estate.

SVN Firm of the Year 2015 – SVN | Northco

Firm of the Year is not the same as Top Producing Firm, although it can be. But when we look at nominees for Firm of the Year, we look for firms that are using the SVN tools, systems, resources and other offices to grow their presence. From the day SVN | Northco joined the SVN organization they went to our Jumpstart training events, used the SVN Live℠ Open Sales Calls to market properties, and embodied SVN’s collaborative culture. If you’ve ever called them for help on a golf or resort proposal, you’ve experienced it. They’re big, they’re productive, they cover many different parts of their market, and they’re a great bunch of men and women. And, this year, they are our Firm of the Year.

Led by Executive Directors Frank Jermusek and Walt Van Heest along with Managing Director Cameron Peterson, Northco became a member of the SVN organization in 2014. Headquartered in Minneapolis, MN, SVN Northco Real Estate Services is a full service commercial real estate firm that has been a leader in the Twin Cities market since 1975.

The SVN blog will be featuring one SVN Specialty Award winner every week for the next few weeks. Subscribe to the SVN blog on the right-hand column of the blog homepage to stay up to date with SVN and CRE industry news.

Minneapolis – St. Paul, MN | 2015 Top #CRE Markets to Watch: Industrial

Sperry Van Ness International Corporation’s (SVNIC) 2015 Market Update Reports assess the current state of the national commercial real estate market, and identify micro-trends within specific geographic regions and industries for 2015. Today we are delving into the 2015 Top Industrial Markets to Watch. Not the largest or the most actively contested markets, the 2015 Industrial Markets to Watch are each at an important juncture that presents unique opportunities for investment. Together, they reflect the diversity of trends that is driving the economy and commercial real estate performance in markets across the country.

Top Industrial Market to Watch: Minneapolis – St. Paul, MN

Minneapolis: 2015 Industrial Markets to WatchMinneapolis in 2015 is a clear buy in the investor calculus. According to the Urban Land Institute’s 2015 Emerging Trends Report surveys, the Twin Cities ranks fourth in the nation for the strength of the industrial investment opportunity, behind the Southern California agglomeration of the Inland Empire, Los Angeles, and Orange County. Two-thirds of survey respondents ranked Minneapolis-St. Paul’s industrial sector as a buy this year. Another 28% rated the market a hold. Less than 6% gave the market a sell rating; only Orange County and Raleigh-Durham had a more favorable assessment. Investors can still find less relative bargains in this less aggressively priced market. Cap rates in the Minneapolis region averaging 6.8% during 2014, 100 to 150 basis points higher than other top-ranked markets.

The Twin Cities has long served as a vital economic hub for the Upper Midwest region. Distribution centers, logistics facilities, and data centers — some with elite Tier III certification, including the new CenturyLink MP2 facility — are popping up throughout the metropolitan area to match strengthening absorption. More than a million square feet of new space entered the inventory in early 2015, including nearly 500,000 square feet for furniture retailer Room & Board. The vacancy rate declined to below 7% in any case. More than 4 million square feet of projects are currently in the pipeline, representing roughly 3% of the existing inventory. While the bulk of that space is speculative, the market’s strong underlying growth drivers are expected to support healthy absorption.

To read more on Minneapolis – St. Paul and other top industrial markets, download the full version of the 2015 Industrial Market Update report here.


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