
Broker Boot Camp | Top 3 Rookie Mistakes about CRE Brokerage

Intern Insights: Rookie Mistakes about CRE Brokerage

As a marketing intern at Sperry Van Ness International Corporation I had the opportunity to attend last week’s Broker Boot Camp in Chicago. Now, let me be honest — I knew next to nothing about commercial real estate brokerage going into this training. Since I’m just about as “rookie” as it gets, speaker John McDermott’s “Top 10 Rookie Misconceptions” about the brokerage business provided me with a much-needed wakeup call about the industry.

I’ll admit it — I was guilty of falling for each of the CRE brokerage myths John mentioned, so I’m going to share my 3 favorites with you. It’s time to dispel some rumors…

The Intern’s Take on the Top 3 Rookie Mistakes

1. “It looks easy.” Well, it’s not. If CRE brokerage were easy, everyone would be doing it. Good brokers can often work up to 80 hours a week building their businesses. Since brokers rely on the commission-only “results economy,” the pressure is always on and the work is never done. You can always be making more cold calls, setting up more meetings, adding more information to your database… the list goes on.

2. “I can do it online.” Perhaps you can, but you won’t be making any money. It’s impossible to “do” brokerage well if you’re sitting at your computer, because the majority of the job involves going out and meeting prospects and surveying properties in person. To all my fellow millennials out there: nothing replaces face-to-face interactions, especially in the brokerage business. Sorry, but no one is going to tweet you your paycheck.

3. “I don’t need to cold call.” Oh, yes you do. Although cold calling is intimidating, especially for avid texters like me and my generation, it’s proven to be the single most effective way of reaching a prospective buyer or seller. Look at it this way: you only need to cold call each contact once. After that first time, the person already knows you, so that awkwardness of cold calling subsides. By the way, as a broker you should aim to make 250-300 cold calls a week. So hop on that phone and get calling.

Clearly, you don’t have to know much about commercial real estate brokerage to get something out of the Sperry Van Ness® Broker Boot Camp. Anyone can learn something useful, especially complete rookies like me.

To see how you can break into the brokerage business, visit our Careers page here

To find out more about the SVN Broker Boot Camp, click here


Top CREW #CRE Professionals Meet up at the Sperry Van Ness® National Conference

Diane Danielson, COO with fellow Sperry Van Ness CREW members

A little over one week ago, I was attending SVN’s National Conference which was held at the Grand Hyatt Hotel on San Antonio’s picturesque River Walk in Texas. Hundreds of SVN Advisors, staff and commercial real estate professionals from over 180 markets across the country came together for two jammed-packed days to learn how to “Win.EveryDay.” (our 2014 conference theme) in their business!

The hotel was abuzz, conference rooms packed, and breakout sessions were in full discussion with numerous deal-making and networking opportunities. We learned about everything you need to know from the top 60 must-have mobile apps, online auctions, how to be properly fitted for a business suit, to how to increase efficiencies to achieve growth and run a more productive business model.

One of many conference highlights was our own SVN parody video of the movie Moneyball, which hit a home run with our all our staff and Advisors. We outlined how we are taking a sophisticated Sabermetric approach and applying the concept of baseball metrics to the CRE business to build a competitive team to “Win. Every Day.” We even had Glenn Morshower, an actor who appeared in the film, reinforce the “Win. Every Day” message in his motivational talk. I am also proud to say we held one of the highest-achieving, Trailblazer Awards Ceremonies in Sperry Van Ness® history that celebrated SVN Advisor victories in 2013!

NC-CrewAmong the crowd of CRE professionals that gathered together, about ten CREW Network members seized the opportunity to talk about CREW, its value and mission. We also spent time together to discuss this year’s 2014 CREW Convention which will be held in Miami this October where SVN will host a booth. SVN/CREW Miami here we come!

SVN is looking for more CREW members. Are you interested? Do you know any fellow SVN Advisors who would be interested? Please contact me!

Authored by Karen Hurd, Vice President, Franchise Development. For more information about CREW Network or about Sperry Van Ness® franchise opportunities, email Karen.Hurd@svn.com.

*All Sperry Van Ness offices are independently owned and operated.

SVN Hosts CRE Place-Making Symposium

David Wilk,
David J. Wilk presenting at SVN’s CRE Place-Making Symposium

In December of 2013, David J. Wilk, CRE, MAI, Council Chair of Corporate Real Estate Advisory Services for SVNIC, partnered with SVN/Miller Commercial Real Estate to host a “Place-Making Symposium” at the Salisbury University Perdue School of Business. The event consisted of two panels that presented strategies to create economic development and jobs in the region through innovative real estate branding and marketing initiatives.  Maryland State Senator, Jim Mathias, was on hand to open the event and speak to the Eastern Shore opportunities.

To read the press release in its entirety, click here.

*All Sperry Van Ness offices are independently owned and operated.


SVNIC Announces Plan for National Conference in '14

This year SVNIC’s National Conference will take place in San Antonio, TX, March 12 through 14.  The conference consists of two days filled with the latest CRE technology, world-class speakers and informative breakout sessions focused on building business for 2014.

This year’s conference highlights, include:


  • Awards Banquet honoring the top SVN advisors of 2013
  • Mike Lipsey: international leader, trainer and CRE consultant
  • Glenn Morshower: actor, producer, motivational speaker
  • Dr. Sam Chandan: CEO & Founder of Chandan Economics
  • Todd Kuhlmann: CEO & President of CRE Tech, Inc.

SVN Advisors early bird registration, click here.

*All Sperry Van Ness offices are independently owned and operated.