SVN Featured in CCIM Institute Article

CCIM Institute Highlights SVN

This week, the CCIM Institute published an article discussing how the CCIM designation helps SVN Advisors bring their commercial real estate brokerage game to the next level. The credibility and prestige that the CCIM designation signifies helps launch Advisors into successful careers in commercial real estate. Further, the process of earning the designation means Advisors have increased their commercial real estate knowledge while working towards achieving CCIM status.

To read the full article, CLICK HERE.

So What Does CCIM Mean Anyway?

For those of you who may not know, a CCIM, or Certified Commercial Investment Member, is someone who has completed the CCIM Institute’s rigorous coursework in financial and market analysis while also gaining commercial real estate experience. According to the CCIM Institute website, key skills covered in the expert-taught courses include negotiation as well as investment analysis. These skills allow designees to more effectively help their clients minimize risk, enhance credibility, make informed decisions, and close more deals, the CCIM website explains. Practically any commercial real estate professional can benefit from the CCIM designation, and all are welcome to enroll in the courses. Once the courses are completed, a potential designee must apply in order to earn the distinction.


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The SVN Gen Y CRE Report on Attracting Millennial Talent

The Survey Results Are In – Millennial CRE Is Our Future

In the Fall of 2015, Sperry Van Ness International Corp. (SVNIC) surveyed over 325 Millennials (born between 1980 and 1995) in the United States, Canada and South America about careers, specifically asking about commission-based jobs and what they are looking for in future employers. With the oldest members of Generation Y moving into the upper echelons of their respective fields, a discussion about Millennial real estate careers is as timely as ever.

Why You Should Care About Millennials in CRE

The commercial real estate (CRE) industry has been around since small-time businesses first opened their doors; and it will continue to be around as long as there is commerce. Yet, the industry, which was hit hard during the last recession, has an aging employee base. For a full five-year period (2008-2013), commercial real estate was not a lucrative career option for many licensed brokers, and especially not attractive to younger professionals. This means that the CRE industry needs to work harder to attract and cultivate the top talent of tomorrow, or risk an industry brain drain.

The Millennial Commercial Real Estate Career Study conducted by SVNIC (“The SVN® Study”) attempts to answer how an industry led by a majority of white males, many of whom began their careers before the Internet was open to commerce, can attract diverse young men and women. In commercial real estate offices run by Baby Boomers and the Silent Generation, the Millennials (also known as Generation Y) are often operating under a completely different paradigm. It’s not just about the technology, but how their access to the world through that technology has changed expectations of what is desirable in a work environment. Millennials are still as ambitious as any generation that came before, but to capture the attention of the best and the brightest, commercial real estate companies need to make a few changes.

Interested? There’s More…

SVNIC COO Diane Danielson summarized the survey findings in this brand new report. Download the entire Millennial CRE Report E-book here.

[bctt tweet=”The CRE industry needs to work harder to attract top talent or risk an industry brain drain.”]