Top 5 Things That Keep Property Management Executives Up At Night

Running a business can often be a thankless job.  When you couple that with the business being a property management company, the things that can keep you up at night are endless.  In January, the Sperry Van Ness® property management team conducted a survey of 100 commercial property management executives across the country to identify the issues with which they were struggling in their business.  The results overwhelmingly identified 5 issues that challenge property management executives in 2014.  Overwhelmingly, the executives surveyed stated that:

  1. We need a better pipeline for future business.
  2. We lack referrals for new business.
  3. We are not considered a preferred provider for larger or institutional landlords.
  4. We need more/better access to larger or institutional landlords.
  5. We lack marketing.

At Sperry Van Ness International Corporation our independently owned and operated Sperry Van Ness® franchisees tackle these issues and are able to sleep better at night knowing that they have a national brand with tools, resources, training and an entire community of real estate advisors standing behind them. Not only is Sperry Van Ness® a nationally recognized brand[1] with over 40 million square feet and 22,000+ multifamily units under management, our property management franchisees integrate seamlessly with our brokerage platform, which in 2013, participated in over $8 billion in transactions. This national platform provides our franchisees with multiple opportunities for:

  • Costs savings through our Master Insurance Program and other discounted services;
  • Unique offerings for your prospects and clients like SVNGreen for energy efficiency;
  • National account business; and
  • Expansion into brokerage through our SVN System for Growth™.

Download the “Top Five Things that Keep Property Management Executives Up at Night” white paper for free by clicking on the image below and take the next step in a better night’s sleep.






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[1] Sperry Van Ness® brand was ranked the 12th largest Property Management firm for 2013 by Commercial Property Executive magazine.