Inc. 500 | 5000 Conference Keynote Speaker, Jim Collins

Inc. 500 | 5000 Conference Keynote Speaker, Jim Collins
Inc. 500 | 5000 Conference Keynote Speaker, Jim Collins

SVNIC was represented at the Inc. 500 | 5000 Conference in Washington DC, October 10-12. Best-selling author and researcher, Jim Collins (Built to Last, Good to Great) was a keynote speaker. His inspiring talk, entitled “From Company to Combat: How to Lead in Any Environment” was attended by thousands. Collins focused on how to build great businesses, bringing your business to the next level and the power of a “Level 5 Leader.” Collins also outlined 12 important questions every organizational leader should ask him/herself each month. Some example questions, include:

  1. Do we want to build an enduring great company (or social sector enterprise), and are we will to strive for
    Level 5 Leadership?
  2. On what core values and enduring purpose will we build our culture for 100 years?
  3. Do we have the right people on the bus, and are 95% of our key seats filled with the right people?
  4. What are the brutal facts and how can we better live the Stockdale Paradox?

Check out the rest of the questions on Collin’s website or click here.


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