Energy Efficiency with

As a company that prides itself on constantly utilizing the best technology in order to benefit its clients, we at Sperry Van Ness International Corporation (SVNIC) have launched, which operates off of the GreenPSF technology platform.  The new website will assist our property management staff by providing their clients with a quick snapshot of different cost saving options, which will lead to buildings becoming more energy efficient and sustainable.  If a property owner decides to move forward with a larger project, our staff will be able to use the platform to create, distribute, and manage the RFP process.  Along with outside consultants, the SVN organization will be able to move projects forward much quicker than many of its competitors.

Many management companies constantly sell their clients on their sustainability programs and strong staff.  However, the staff is usually small in number and focused on much larger trophy properties.  This often leaves the smaller, entrepreneurial investor and medium-sized investment firms without many options.  By working with any one of the 1,200+ Advisors or staff, you can get access to cost and energy savings opportunities in a matter of minutes.  The website also provides access to rebate information from local, state, and municipalities.

The goal of the offering is to not only to make buildings more energy efficient, but also to reduce the operating expenses, effectively increasing the net operating income to the owner and value of the property.  This is only one of the programs focused on reducing property owners’ operating expenses that is offered as part of the SVN Property Management Value Proposition.  Last year the SVN organization introduced their exclusive Master Insurance Program, which has saved their clients an average of more than 31% on underwritten policies to date.

To learn more about and how they can save you money on your buildings operating expenses, click here.


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