News: You are Reading a Top 50 CRE Blog!

Duke Long just came out with his 2019 list of the Top 50 Commercial Real Estate Blogs You Must Read, and SVN’s blog is number six on the list! The list showcases a wide range of fantastic CRE-related blogs, covering everything from research sources to vendor information to association news. SVN is indeed in great company.

In case you’re not one of his thousands of Twitter followers, you should know that Duke Long, a New York-based commercial real estate broker, is one of the CRE industry’s most popular bloggers. He’s been putting out his list of top 50 must-read CRE blogs for the past several years.

We are tremendously proud to be included this year, and will continue to bring you lots of must-read blog posts with CRE tips, career advice and other useful information.

Thanks Duke Long!