
SVN Featured Properties for week of January 6, 2014

Property Location Price Property Type Buy-Side Commission
12 Renovated Garden Units in NE Baltimore, MD $899,000 Multifamily $26,970
Medical Office Building Lancaster, CA $949,000 Office $23,725
18th St Mixed-Use Chicago, IL $999,999 Multifamily $29,999
270 Larkin Drive Wheeling, IL $1,120,000 Industrial $33,600
9612 East Sprague Ave Spokane, WA $1,199,000 Retail $35,970
Ste. Genevieve Warehouse  Sainte Genevieve, MO $1,200,000 Industrial $36,000
Medical Office Lots/Build-to-Suit  Lewisville, TX $1,659,550 Land $49,786.50
A Class Medial Office Building Orlando, FL $2,282,493 Office $45,649.86
1155 Cattlemen Road Sarasota, FL $2,500,000 Industrial $62,500
2118 Silvercrest Dr. Myrtle Beach, SC $2,600,000 Multifamily $52,000
Class A Medical Office Building Orlando, FL $2,884,333 Office $57,686.66
Fully Leased Office Investment Available Raleigh, NC $2,920,000 Office $87,600
Roosevelt Road Development Parcel Wheaton, IL $3,500,000 Land $105,000
Development Land: Nearly 1/2 Acre San Francisco, CA $3,500,000 Land $105,000
US Government Leased Office Portfolio Portfolio, OK $4,385,000 Office $175,400
Fisherman’s Wharf Marina/Marker 4 Restaurant Venice, FL $9,850,000 Marina $197,000
Corner of Carolina Forest Blvd. and River Oaks Dr. Myrtle Beach, SC $12,300,000 Land $215,250








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