Memphis, TN | 2016 Top #CRE Markets to Watch: Industrial

SVNIC’s 2016 Market Outlook Reports assess the current state of the national commercial real estate market, and identify micro-trends within specific geographic regions and industries for 2016. Today we are delving into the 2016 Top Industrial Markets to Watch. Not the largest or the most actively contested markets, the 2016 Industrial Markets to Watch are each at an important juncture that presents unique opportunities for investment. Together, they reflect the diversity of trends that is driving the economy and commercial real estate performance in markets across the country.

Top Industrial Market to Watch: Memphis, TN

Memphis - top industrial market to watchThe Memphis economy has been slowly growing and recovering since the recession and stands today with 5.6% unemployment as of January ‘16, with modest annualized job gains of 1.7%, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Its strongest industrial segment and in fact strongest employment segment overall is Trade, Transport, and Utilities, which is expanding at an annualized rate of 4.2%. Manufacturing is also adding jobs at 0.7%. Given that Memphis is located in the approximate population weighted center of the country, it is an ideal location to serve for e-commerce and other direct to consumer distribution businesses. Thus, the Memphis industrial market may be one of the largest benefactors of the rise of online shopping and will likely continue to expand in 2016 and beyond.

Stay Updated…

Over the next few weeks, the SVN Blog will be featuring posts that will focus on each of the top markets to watch for industrial, multifamily, office, and retail properties. SVN Advisors from selected top markets have provided their industry expertise regarding what to look out for in their specific market in the coming months. Don’t miss out on these important insights – subscribe to the SVN Blog on the right side of the blog homepage.

To read more on other top industrial markets, download the full version of the 2016 Industrial Market Outlook report here.

2016 Industrial Market Outlook

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