James Blake honored with Charles D. Tandy #CRE award

James_BlakeJames Blake, CCIM, Managing Director for SVN/Summit Commercial Realty, recently received the 2013 Charles D. Tandy Commercial Realtor award, the top honor of the Society of Commercial Realtors. This award was established to recognize commercial realtors who best exemplify the highest in professional standards.

Integrity, leadership and outstanding character are really what this award is about, and no one exemplifies those qualities better than James Blake

2014 SCR Chairman Bill Makens

With more than 28 years of Dallas/Fort Worth commercial real estate market experience, Blake has combined sales and leases in excess of $320 million. While Blake’s shopping center and industrial clients are all across the United States, his focus is retail and industrial income producing properties in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex area.
*All Sperry Van Ness offices are independently owned and operated.