SVNIC was represented at the Inc. 500 | 5000 Conference in Washington DC, October 10-12. Best-selling author and researcher, Jim Collins (Built to Last, Good to Great) was a keynote speaker. His inspiring talk, entitled “From Company to Combat: How to Lead in Any Environment” was attended by thousands. Collins focused on how to build great businesses, bringing your business to the next level and the power of a “Level 5 Leader.” Collins also outlined 12 important questions every organizational leader should ask him/herself each month. Some example questions, include:
- Do we want to build an enduring great company (or social sector enterprise), and are we will to strive for
Level 5 Leadership? - On what core values and enduring purpose will we build our culture for 100 years?
- Do we have the right people on the bus, and are 95% of our key seats filled with the right people?
- What are the brutal facts and how can we better live the Stockdale Paradox?
Check out the rest of the questions on Collin’s website or click here.
*All Sperry Van Ness offices are independently owned and operated.