5 for Friday – Steven Stoehrer, Managing Director of SVN | Stora

This week, our 5 for Friday features Steven Stoehrer, Managing Director of SVN | Stora based in New York, New York. Stoehrer specializes in corporate lease back, industrial, office, property management, and retail. In the last 36 months he has closed, listed, and underwritten in excess of 500 million dollars worth of investment grade assets


1. What advice would you provide to an aspiring advisor who is new to the industry?

Activity Levels, keep them up and have strong commitment. This is a long-term game.


2. What does the SVN Difference mean to you?

It sets me apart from my competitors. We cooperate with the market place completely. That strategy has gained business in the long term, even though short term you sometimes question it.


3. What learning tools would you recommend to your colleagues to further their knowledge and enhance their careers?

I would ask people who are successful for 10 minutes over a cup of coffee. I learned more in my career from people who have done it than any book.


4. What was your most memorable deal and why?

I sold a deal that flooded while under contract only to learn it had done so twice before. It was most difficult but the most educational.


5. List a fun fact to share about yourself

I have been a volunteer firefighter since I was a teenager. Not many people would guess that.


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