
New Year’s Resolution: Learn More!

How are your New Year’s resolutions faring now that January is almost over? It’s never too late to create new resolutions or work on existing one, and we are here to help. Based on our Five for Friday interviews of 2018, we are presenting you with a list of books and resources recommended by SVN Associates across the country that will help build your sales, business, and marketing skills. And if your resolution is to read more this year, you have a great list from which to start.


Most recommended

Two books were recommended by several associates. They are:

Good to Great by Jim Collins

Brokers Who Dominate by Rod Santomassimo

Reading list

Some other recommended books recommended include the following, listed in alphabetical order by author:

Freakanomics by Stephen J. Dubner

The Purple Cow by Seth Godin

Relentless: From Good to Great to Unstoppable by Tim S. Grover

Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino

Teams Who Dominate by Rod Santomassimo

Scrappy by Terri Sjodin

Never Split the Difference: Negotiating as if Your Life Depended on it by Chris Voss


Learning resources

Some of our SVN Associates recommend taking classes and getting accredited by the following institutions:

The CCIM Institute

IREM: Institute of Real Estate Management


We hope that this list provides some value as you work to achieve your resolutions and goals for 2019.


Do you have a favorite book or resource? Please feel free to share in the comments.