
5 for Friday Double Header: David Gilmore and Louis Fisher of SVN Auction Services

We are posting August’s Five for Friday early to give you enough time to read our double-header! Since SVN is focused on Accelerated Sales and Auctions in August, this month we feature Louis B. Fisher III , CAI, National Director and David E. Gilmore CCIM, CAI, AARE, Marketing/Operations, Managing Director, who are both part of the SVN Auction/Accelerated Sales Services team specializing in government auctions and bankruptcy.



What advice would you provide to an aspiring advisor who is new to the industry?

Fisher:  I’d give two main pieces of advice. First, choose a successful mentor to shadow. And second, learn the power to say NO to clients with unrealistic expectations

Gilmore: I also have two pieces of advice. Number one is learn good sales techniques for the real estate business. And number two is to hire a coach.


What does the SVN Difference mean to you?

Fisher: Collaboration, and ability to have doors opened to opportunities otherwise not available.

Gilmore: It means an international group of professionals collaborating and sharing, all for the benefit of the client.


What learning tools (book, blog, website, etc.) would you recommend to your colleagues to further their knowledge and enhance their careers?

Fisher: Attend SVN’s Annual Conference every year. It’s invaluable for learning and making connections.

 Gilmore: I recommend the Sandler Sales Institute’s books and programs. Sandler teaches you how to ask questions, find the prospect’s pain, and close the sale. And, get into a Vistage group.


What was your most memorable deal and why?

Fisher: It was a contract that came from the State of Utah Department of Transportation to sell all state-owned surplus parcels through a newly created online auction program with the entire legislature’s support. The development of this program has created a successful public and private partnership not ever seen previously.

 Gilmore: Mine was in August 2005. I auctioned an office building in New Orleans on Friday for $800,000. I then evacuated to Tunica, MS for the impending arrival of Hurricane Katrina on Saturday. On Sunday, I flew to Michigan to help Louis Fisher auction a $31.5 million former psychiatric hospital for the State of Michigan. Meanwhile, I watched Katrina flood my hometown. After, I lived in a casino hotel for three weeks while working on a $10.8 million auction in Oklahoma City. Both good times and bad times, but certainly memorable.


List a fun fact to share about yourself – something that people may not know and that they may be surprised to find out.

Fisher: I played two years of collegiate basketball, and never saw a shot I didn’t like or wouldn’t take.

 Gilmore: I have always had a desire to be a rock and roll drummer. When I was about seven years old, my dad said, “We can afford to buy you a drum or a set of shoulder pads for football.” I chose the shoulder pads. It was a good decision, as football paid for my college degree. Many of you that know me probably think I played too many games without a helmet, but that’s another story…..

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Tuesday Tip: Add Accelerated Marketing to Your CRE Toolbox

August is Accelerated Marketing/Sales Month here at SVN, and today’s tip comes to you from David E. Gilmore, CCIM, CAI, AARE, national auctioneer and managing partner for SVN | Gilmore Auction & Realty Co. David is an integral member of the SVN Auction Services and SVN Asset Recovery Teams.

Did you know that…

Many municipalities (i.e., cities, counties, school districts, states, housing authorities, etc.) by law, must sell their real estate using auction/accelerated marketing?

In some instances, the municipality will award a multi-year contract for these real estate auction services?

It’s the law because auction has been universally recognized as a fair and transparent method to sell real estate. Everyone has the opportunity to bid and buy the property, not just a select few.

Here are some tips for you to take advantage of accelerated marketing:

  • Read your local/regional newspaper or online news publication and look for ads or legal notices that contain:

          -RFP (Request for Proposal) for real estate auctions

          -Request of Qualifications (RFQ) for real estate auctioneer

          -Auction of surplus real estate

  • When prospecting, contact your state land office, Dept. of Transportation, or City Council member and ask how they sell their real estate.
  • If an RFP/RFQ is available, immediately contact the SVN Auction Services Advisors who specialize in government contracts: Louis B. Fisher III, CAI and David E. Gilmore, CCIM, CAI, AARE. Call or email ASAP as most RFPs usually require a proposal within a very short time frame.
  • Make sure that your bio/resume is up to date, as you will be featured in the proposal as the local CRE expert and the headquarters broker/advisor.

Here’s the bottom line: Accelerated marketing/auction can be that “extra CRE tool” that makes you big commissions.